Rewards for synchronizers
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For detailed rules about rewards for synchronizers, please refer here.
Synchronizers upload BTC block data to exSat. The one that obtains the correctness verification of the block data and finishes parsing the block will receive exSat's block rewards.
Each BTC block only issues rewards to one Mining Pool, so if you think there is a fork at a certain BTC block height, it is recommended to upload the data of each fork to increase the probability of receiving rewards.
In a typical scenario, multiple mining pools simultaneously submit the latest block data. The mining pool that completes the data submission and passes the block data verification first earns the exclusive right to parse the block within a 10-minute window (equivalent to 1200 blocks in exSat). During this period, other mining pools are prohibited from parsing the same block. If the mining pool successfully parses the block within the allocated time, it receives the corresponding block reward.
However, if the mining pool fails to complete the block parsing within the 10-minute window, it forfeits the right to parse the block, and the opportunity is opened up to other mining pools. The mining pool that subsequently completes parsing the block will be entitled to the block reward.
This process ensures fair competition among mining pools and maintains the efficiency and integrity of the blockchain network.
In this illustration, Synchronizer3 will receive the final reward.
Despite Synchronizer2 completing the block data upload first, Synchronizer3 gains the exclusive right to parse the block data for the next 10 minutes because it achieved block data verification before any other synchronizer. Synchronizer3 successfully parsed the block within the allocated time frame and got the reward.
For Bitcoin blocks mined by a pool, the pool will have additional priority time when uploading the block to exSat. As long as the client is running properly, the pool has a high probability of getting the block rewards.
If a Synchronizer's client isn’t running, or if gas fee runs out, preventing him/her from submitting a block within the priority window, other Synchronizers may get the block rewards. Additionally, for blocks mined by pools not yet connected to the exSat network, a pool can get the rewards if it handles the block faster than other Synchronizers.