Quick Start
In the exSat system, participants are divided into different roles:
Synchronizer (Mining pools): Synchronizers are key participants in exSat's underlying protocol and typically come from BTC mining pools. Only miners who have successfully mined a block on the BTC chain in the past 72 hours are eligible to become Synchronizers. Synchronizers are responsible for uploading the latest BTC blocks to exSat and completing the validation and parsing works. Click here to learn more about Synchronizers.
Validator: Validators are key participants in exSat's underlying protocol. Users must stake at least 100 $BTC or 2100 $XSAT to become Validator. Validators provide security for exSat and are responsible for reaching consensus on the latest BTC blocks. Only BTC block data that has got consensused by Validators will be accepted as valid on the exSat network. You can read more about BTC Validator and XSAT Validator.
Developer: Developers use the various infrastructures provided by exSat (such as the Data Consensus Protocol, UTXO index, Custody service, etc.) to build a wide range of decentralized applications (DApps) based on BTC. These applications may cover a variety of scenarios, including BTC lending, payments, asset issuance, cross-chain bridges, and more. Developers can write smart contracts using C++ on the native layer or develop contracts based on EVM on the extended layer. Developers can quickly access development resources here or learn more about EVM support.
User: Users can use the services provided by exSat or access various DApps created by developers. Users will be able to bridge their BTC to exSat via the cross-chain bridge, to use it as gas fees or for other purposes. Users can also participate in consensus by staking their BTC to Validators, enhancing the security of exSat and getting XSAT rewards. Click here to explore more.
Custodian (coming soon) : Custodians play a key role in exSat's asset protocol, building the connection between BTC and exSat on the assets. Custodians provide security and trust for exSat's cross-chain bridge and various asset protocols. Click here to learn more about Custodians.
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