Create New Validator Account
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Last updated
If you're running from source code, please execute "yarn start-commander" to run the client. If you're running with docker, please skip this.
You'll need to choose your role, here we choose "Validator"
If you don't have an account, please select "Create New Account" to create one. If you already have an account, you could import it by choosing "Import Seed Phase" or "Import Private Key".
After selected "Create New Account", you'll be asked to input the user name. Here we take "goodvali" as example.
Enter the email. Some notifications will be sent to the email address from exSat automatically, e.g. the account registration notification, the low balance warning.
Enter the commission rate. 10000 equals to 100.00%, here take 5% as example.
Enter reward address, The Reward Address is an EVM format address, see more about reward address here.
Seed phrase will be created, the private key of your account will be generated from the seed phrase, please save it carefully , and input "yes" if you have saved it.
New key pair will be generated, the private key will be encrypted and stored in the keystore file. please set passward for the keystore file, you could choose whether to save the password in the ".env" file.
Then select a directory to store the keystore file. Please remember to backup this file.
You could select a directory ,choose the root directory, or mannually input a path.
If you're running the client in the docker, be sure that the path you choosed is mapped to the host machine. Otherwise, if you remove the Docker container, the keystore file will be lost, and you will need to regenerate the keystore file by importing the seed phrase or private key. It's suggested to choose the home path (the 1st option in the menu) .
After stored the keystore file, a BTC payment QR code and address will be displayed. Please transfer the specified amount of BTC to the provided BTC address and enter the transaction ID in the client. exSat will verify if the transfer is complete. These funds will be bridged to exSat and used as gas fee when the validator submits BTC data to exSat.
When the balance of your address cannot cover the cost of gas fee, exSat will send an email reminder to the email address provided in the previous steps, to reminde the users to fund it.
Please wait for the account creation to be completed. Once the account is created, you will receive an email notification. Since manual verification is involved, it may take some time.
The actual account creation process occurs after completing the BTC transfer and submitting the transaction ID. If you accidentally exit during this period, you may be unable to re-enter the Create New Account screen because the keystore file has already been created locally. In this case, simply delete the xxx_keystore.json file, where xxx is your account name, and execute the "yarn start-commander" again, you can proceed with the "Create New Account".